UN Efforts On Mitigating Sexual Violence

UN Efforts On Mitigating Sexual Violence: The protection of victims/survivors and witnesses of Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) is an integral part of efforts to end impunity against CRSV. Victims/survivors…

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Statistics On Child Sexual Abuse

Statistics On Child Sexual Abuse: Frameworks focused on violence against children have generally excluded critical gender and age dimensions, often failing to capture specific types of sexual violence and effectively…

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Sexual Abuse Of Young Children

Sexual Abuse Of Young Children: Researching sexual abuse against children is complex, as it remains a taboo and difficult to disclose in many settings. Methodological challenges include, for example, varying…

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What are The Consequences Of Rape

What are The Consequences Of Rape And Sexual Abuse: Physical force is not necessarily used in rape, and physical injuries are not always a consequence. Deaths associated with rape are…

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Why Do Men Rape Without Conscience

Why Do Men Rape Without Conscience: Data on sexually violent men are somewhat limited and heavily biased towards apprehended rapists, except in the United States, where research has also been…

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Risk Factors For Female Sexual Abuse

Risk Factors For Female Sexual Abuse: Explaining sexual violence against women is complicated by the multiple forms it takes and contexts in which it occurs. There is considerable overlap between…

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Men And Boys Are Raped Too

Men And Boys Are Raped Too: Sexual violence against men and boys is a significant problem. With the exception of childhood sexual abuse, though, it is one that has largely…

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Myths About Rape Rapist And Victimization

Myths About Rape Rapist And Victimization: In this article, rape is defined as the penetration of the mouth, vagina or anus by any part of the attacker's body or by…

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