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The Rape of Hundreds Of Girls

The Rape of Hundreds Of Girls: The Jeffrey Epstein story is a tale of the rape of hundreds of young girls complete with payoffs that muted his crimes, friends in high places who defended him, corruption of state and federal officials and the shocking history of impunity from which he benefited.

It is also an account of spineless men who, one by one, would yield to Epstein’s paid posse and run scared when his lawyers and politicians strong-armed the prosecutors. Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes should have generated a velocity force of media attention, but that didn’t happen because Epstein and his allies were extraordinarily adept at silencing the victims and the media.

This changed in November 2018, when the Miami Herald published an epic article that dug deep into Epstein’s rape and sexual abuse of young girls. These are some of the victims’ stories and what happened to them. These are some of Epstein’s friends in high places who protected him.

And these are some of the hopeful signs that justice for the girls who are now women will finally be served, including a federal bill that will empower the Inspector General of the U.S. Justice
Department to investigate mishandled prosecutions, which is awaiting Senate confirmation.

For many years, visitors to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach Florida mansion who made it to the second floor would walk down a hallway filled with naked photographs of women and girls. Most of these visitors were young girls who were pimped into having sex with Epstein.

As told by 16-year-old AH in a statement to the police, each girl would be ordered to get naked and start with a back massage. Epstein would then roll over on his back, begin to masturbate himself, insert his fingers into the girl’s vagina and then use a vibrator on her. Sometimes, Epstein would instruct the girl to have sex with one of his female handlers.

He took pleasure in watching, sometimes joining in, photographing the scene and displaying these photographs within the house. AH stated: “Each time something new was introduced, additional monies were produced and offered…to allow these acts to happen.”

AH was adamant that no vaginal penetration would occur but at the end of the session, Epstein grabbed her, turned her over onto her stomach, and raped her as he held her down. When she screamed he stopped, apologized for his actions and subsequently paid her a thousand dollars (Palm Beach Police Department, 2005-2006).

Other girls described the pyramid scheme Epstein erected to keep the flow of girls coming to his house. A schoolmate persuaded 17- year- old Wendy Dobbs she could earn a lot of money in two basic ways. Either you “let him do things to you.” Or, “you bring girls to him.” Dobbs said, “He told me the younger the better (Patterson, 2016).”

Many of Epstein’s victims were brave enough to contact the Palm Beach police department which took their stories seriously. “This was not a ‘he said, she said’ situation,” Police Chief Michael Reiter explained. “This was 50-something ‘shes’ and one ‘he’ – and the ‘shes’ all basically told the same story.”

Most girls were underage, had not completed high school, some were homeless, and most were vulnerable. Like many sexual predators, Epstein had a keen sense for ferreting out the girls’ vulnerabilities and using these weak points for his own sexual gratification. He chose girls he thought would not be believed if they told what had happened to them.