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Ghislaine Maxwell Closely Monitored By Prison For Suicide

Ghislaine Maxwell Closely Monitored By Prison For Suicide: GHISLAINE Maxwell has been forced to stay in solitary confinement after she lost her bid to be transferred to another prison.

Maxwell, 58, the alleged “madam” of sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has complained she is under constant surveillance in MDC Brooklyn where she is awaiting trial on charges of recruiting underage girls.

However, Manhattan judge Alison Nathan slapped down the Brit socialite’s request despite her lawyers arguing it is hampering her ability to prepare her case. Maxwell has complained she is being closely watched by psychologists and “mystery guards”.

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Judge Alison dismissed her request as there was “no evidence, and no reason to believe, that the surveillance measures are motivated by improper purpose”. It means the 58-year-old will still be kept apart from the rest of the prison population and will continue to be closely monitored by staff.

Maxwell’s legal team was also denied a request to have the identities of three anonymous alleged victims revealed to them. All three claim they were abused by pedophile Epstein after being recruited by Maxwell and their allegations make up the criminal charges against the socialite.

The judge said the request to disclose their identities was “premature” with the case not set to go to trial until next July. Maxwell was denied bail after the courts ruled her wealth and power meant she was a likely flight risk.

Many alleged victims are watching the 58-year-old closely after her ex-lover Epstein killed himself last August in another New York jail. The death of one of the country’s most high profile inmates left prosecutors embarrassed and determined to hunt down Epstein’s alleged accomplices.

It appears no chances are being taken with Maxwell as the prosecution works to ensure she comes to trial to answer for her alleged crimes. Maxwell was originally placed on suicide watch after she was arrested by the FBI in July at a house in New Hampshire.

Her lawyers have moaned about the conditions she has faced behind bars, saying she was forced to wear paper clothes. They also claimed she has had to undergo full body scans, was regularly woken up in the night by guards checking on her.

In a letter earlier this month, Maxwell’s lawyer Chris Everdel said: “Ms. Maxwell is being treated worse than other similarly situated pretrial detainees, which significantly impacts her ability to prepare a defense.” And they argued without the names of the three alleged victims, “Maxwell cannot prepare for or receive a fair trial”.

Epstein and Maxwell are alleged to have been at the centre of a child sex-trafficking – claims Ghislaine denies.

Victims claim they recruited and groomed young girls to abuse and offer up to their powerful pals. The couple are believed to have met when Maxwell moved to New York in the early nineties following the death of her dad, newspaper mogul Robert Maxwell.

A romantic relationship eventually evolved into a platonic, business arrangement, it is claimed. Both are claimed to have participated in the sexual abuse of young girls at Epstein’s lavish properties. It is claimed girls were abused on his private island Little Saint James, his townhouse in New York, his ranch in New Mexico and his mansion in Palm Beach.

Maxwell allegedly acted as his madam or fixer who would recruit victims often telling them they were to be trained as masseurs. Powerful men have been linked to the couple as they hobnobbed with politicians, celebrities and millionaires. Maxwell has pleaded not guilty and her lawyers have accused the victims of trying to turn her into a scapegoat since the death of Epstein.

Meanwhile, the socialite’s former friend, Christopher Mason, said Ghislaine will not betray Prince Andrew, who is accused of sleeping with one of the trafficked victims – claims he strongly denies.

He told Sun Online: “Prince Andrew and Ghislaine were always fiercely loyal to each other and she wouldn’t give him up.” Andrew is alleged to have slept with 17-year-old Virginia Roberts at Maxwell’s townhouse in London after a night out at Tramp nightclub in 2001.

The Duke of York vehemently denies this allegations and claims to have no memory of meeting Virginia.